Enjoy the silence again
Discover this unique therapy for tinnitus: OTOTECH
Therapy based on Transmastoid Cochlear Electrostimulation, completely painless and with no side effects, which has a cure rate of more than 60% for tinnitus.
▷ More than 2,000 patients treated.
▷ Painless and non-invasive for the patient.
▷ No short-term and long-term side effects.
▷ Cumulative effect and no medication.
Qué es la Terapia Ototech
Ototech's Cochlear Electrostimulation Therapy is a treatment that consists of applying a low intensity electric current to the mastoid area in order to increase the temperature in the treated area. As a result, this triggers a metabolic stimulus and a regenerative effect on the damaged inner ear cells, allowing them to regain their original morphology. This process results in significant improvement or cure of tinnitus and other hearing problems.
Ototech Therapy is completely painless and has no side effects. Moreover, it does not require complementary medication and does not interfere with the patient's life.
How is it carried out?
In principle, Ototech's Transmastoid Cochlear Electrostimulation therapy lasts for 15 sessions according to the standard protocol. Each session lasts for 15 or 30 minutes depending on whether the patient has one or both ears affected. Generally, therapy usually lasts for about 8 weeks. Two sessions per week are recommended, leaving a minimum of 24 hours between sessions to allow the therapy to be fully effective.
It is important to remember that the response times for each patient are different and depend on their individual characteristics. This is where the importance of tailoring and personalising therapy to the idiosyncrasies of each patient lies.
Once therapy is completed, the patient should allow at least one month of rest before a follow-up visit. This rest period is established because the treatment allows for a cumulative effect, whereby it continues to work after it has finished.
What results are obtained with Ototech Therapy?
Transmastoid cochlear electrostimulation has proven to be an effective therapy for the treatment of hearing problems such as tinnitus and hypoacusis.
After undergoing Ototech's Transmastoid Cochlear Electrostimulation therapy, patients who have achieved improvement or remission of their tinnitus or hypoacusis symptoms were very satisfied with the results. The improvement or recovery of their hearing enabled them to regain their quality of life. The main benefits of the therapy include:
- Complete disappearance or reduction of noise perception.
- Improved hearing.
- Improved sleep quality.
- Disappearance of hearing sensitivity (hypoacusis or algiacusis).
- Reduced stress and anxiety levels.
- Disappearance of vertigo and unsteadiness
Ototech Therapy achieves 63% significant improvement of tinnitus and complete disappearance in 24% of cases.
Scientific endorsement of Ototech Therapy
After studying the response to Ototech's Transmastoid Cochlear Electrostimulation treatment in the latest retrospective observational study led by Crossdata (Clinical Research Organisation), the following conclusions have been reached:
- By applying Transmastoid Cochlear Electrostimulation Therapy, a significant improvement of 63% was achieved and the complete disappearance of tinnitus was achieved in more than 20% of the patients treated.
- More than 50% of hearing-impaired patients treated with this therapy reported an improvement in their hearing quality. In addition, patients who have undergone this treatment not only experienced an improvement in their tonal audiometry, but also an improvement in their hearing quality.
- The biological changes experienced after the therapy include an increase in blood flow, an increase in the speed of metabolic reactions, stimulation of the body's natural defences, and lymphatic and mitochondrial activation.
Recommendations during treatment
To enhance the effect of the treatment, as well as to improve wellbeing throughout the duration of the treatment, patients are recommended to practice gentle physical exercise, avoid the use of headphones or exposure to loud noises, reduce the consumption of substances or foods that stimulate the nervous system (coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, etc.), control blood pressure and cholesterol, and avoid activities that involve sudden changes in pressure such as scuba diving or rock-climbing.
Frequently asked questions
What differentiates the Ototech technique from other treatments?
Ototech therapy aims at cell regeneration of the organ of Corti. It is the first treatment that has succeeded in eliminating tinnitus by curing the cells that cause it.
Can the Ototech technique improve hearing?
Yes. Its regenerative effect on inner ear cells has allowed many patients to experience an improvement in their audiometry. Although initially this treatment was only recommended for patients with tinnitus, it is now also recommended for some cases of hypoacusis.
How long do the effects of the therapy last?
By regenerating the cells that cause hearing problems, the benefits of Ototech therapy are, in principle, long-lasting.
Does the Ototech technique have any side effects?
No. Patients only feel warmth in the area of application during therapy.
Why Ototech?
Regarding the treatment of tinnitus, Ototech offers a specific treatment that aims at cellular regeneration so that its effects last and the improvement is continuous over time. The aim of the therapy is to treat tinnitus at its source by stimulating the cells of the inner ear.
As for the treatment of hypoacusis, according to the scientific study conducted on the efficacy of transmastoid cochlear electrostimulation, more than 50% of patients treated with this therapy report improved hearing.
Regarding the treatment of tinnitus, Ototech offers a specific treatment that aims at cellular regeneration so that its effects last and the improvement is continuous over time. The aim of the therapy is to treat tinnitus at its source by stimulating the cells of the inner ear.
As for the treatment of hypoacusis, according to the scientific study conducted on the efficacy of transmastoid cochlear electrostimulation, more than 50% of patients treated with this therapy report improved hearing.
Regarding the treatment of tinnitus, Ototech offers a specific treatment that aims at cellular regeneration so that its effects last and the improvement is continuous over time. The aim of the therapy is to treat tinnitus at its source by stimulating the cells of the inner ear.
As for the treatment of hypoacusis, according to the scientific study conducted on the efficacy of transmastoid cochlear electrostimulation, more than 50% of patients treated with this therapy report improved hearing.

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